Ponuka letnej školy vedy v Chorvátsku
Projekt je zameraný na študentov stredných škôl, ktorí sa zaujímajú o STEM, viac info v prílohe. Už šestnásty rok po sebe organizuje skupina mladých vedcov Letnú školu v Chorvátsku. Zameriava sa na študentov stredných škôl so záujmom o prírodovedné predmety, kde získajú praktické skúsenosti a pracujú v malých skupinách na konkrétnom projekte. Booklet.
Účastníci sa učia a praktizujú vedeckú metódu a analýzu, získavajú neoceniteľné skúsenosti v neskoršej kariére. Popri skúmaní vedy sú tieto tábory vynikajúcou príležitosťou nájsť inšpiráciu a zdieľať nadšenie o objavoch s rovnako zmýšľajúcimi jednotlivcami z rôznych krajín. Prácu na projekte sprevádzajú večerné prednášky od popredných vedcov a workshopy v anglickom jazyku, ktorých cieľom je umiestniť vedu do širšieho spoločenského kontextu.
Príjmite pozvanie organizačného tímu:
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am contacting you on behalf of the Summer School of Science in Croatia. Our project is oriented towards high school students interested in STEM fields, and I was wondering whether you would be willing to spread the information about our project to the interested parties that visit your institution, by the means of distributing the attached material.
For the sixteenth year in a row, a group of young scientists organises the Summer School of Science in Croatia. It is aimed at high-school students with strong interest in science where they get a hands-on experience working in small groups on a specific project. Participants learn and practice the scientific method and analysis, invaluable skills in their later careers. In addition to exploring science, these camps are an excellent opportunity to find inspiration and share the enthusiasm for discovery with like-minded individuals. Project work is accompanied by evening lectures from eminent scientists and workshops aimed to put science in a wider social context.
In 2018 the participants will have a possibility to work aside young scientists from all over the world (USA, France, Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Croatia etc). They are devoted to scientific and personal excellence as they teach through passion using a personalised approach to every student. In an open and informal atmosphere, students and their mentors work together, creating long-lasting relationships that not only help their individual careers, but also promote international and intercultural understanding.
The Summer School of Science is divided into two camps: S3 for students who are completing the 9th or 10th grade (29th July - 8th August) S3++ for students who are completing the 11th or 12th grade (9th - 19th August).
The official language of the School is English and the school is open to the high-school students from all over the world.
Motivated students should consult the Internet page of the School http://www.drustvo-evo.hr/s3/index.html for a complete list of projects and to find the application form. Applications are open until May 1st 2018.
Looking forward to meeting all science enthusiasts this summer in Croatia!
With kind regards, Mario Zelic, On behalf of the S3 2018 organising team